Monday, March 23, 2015

Space Monkeys!

      From The Copy Desk: With The Boys still away and undecided as to if they're coming home after spring break, it once again falls to those of us who shovel roofs to fill the void left by the halphlings. So, we're going to go on about Monkeys in space. Well, that's the link to the Wikipedia page, where all the actual details are supposed.

      Now that elephants are being retired by the circus, see Pachederms Paroled. The Boys would urge everyone to pick a reputable charity working to save wild elephants and give according to your means. As for the monkeys, we killed most of them during early space flight experiments. Please remember their sacrifice whenever you (or your cell-phone signal) are in space.

Miss Baker, a squirrel monkey, a species presumably from Earth. was purchased in a Miami, Fla., pet shop and enlisted in the U.S. Navy. She was the first primate to survive space flight.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Bard Owl

     From The Copy Desk: While our young half-brothers are off matriculating in Annandale, the home burrow has seen some changes The Boys surely need to be aware of, or even alert to. The boughs near the burrow now harbor an owl, a barred owl to be precise. It appears to be a young one and its presence has trimmed the bird seed bill for sure, as no birds brave the feeder with the owl on top. Unfortunately the home burrow's communique to The Boys regarding all things owl was garbled, and received first by Warren. This took a while to clear up to their mutual satisfaction. After Marty convinced Warren cell phones were not just for people in jail, we talked. A transcript follows.

     Copy Desk: Hey Marty, did you guys understand the last communique about the owl.
     Marty: Warren's out of his mind with fear ..... he's convinced the message meant that there was an owl sent to hunt him down here on campus. He's been under the covers for days.
     Copy Desk: Shove the phone under the covers. I need to talk to him. Hey, Warren. It's OK there's no owl specifically out to get you.
      Warren: So I should just exhibit my normal terror at the sight of Raptors?
      Copy Desk: That would be a start.
      Warren: I need to go change these sheets. I matriculated all over them.
     Copy Desk: You mean micturated, fancy-speak for urination.
     Warren: Oh. At least I don't have any pants to wash. But didn't you say it was a Bard Owl?
     Marty: Or a barn owl.
     Copy Desk: No. We believe it's a barred, b-a-r-r-e-d owl.
     Marty: Well, that should help. Warren, you can come out now.
     Warren: Never! There's Raptors everywhere!