Warren works on his taxes. |
"Now it wants to know if on any third day of any month last year if I was under age 5.5, if so, enter 0.75 on line 24 and multiply line 23 by line 24 and enter that on line 27 ..... unless you're a marsupial, in which case you enter the number on line 16 of form 8899 and do the worksheet on the back to determine if you've earned too many clods this year to qualify for the burrow enhancement credit (see form 23554.996)," Warren muttered. "This is absurd, did Kafka write this stuff. If there was some Raid around I'd kill myself right now," he shouted.
This, finally, woke Marty. 'I'll go to the store if you need some," the helpful half-brother said.
"Listen to this next bit, it gets worse," Warren screamed, now barely able to retain consciousness from hyperventilating. Marty, thinking fast, covered Warren's head with a paper bag and rubbed his elbows (It's a marmot thing, you wouldn't understand - The Copy Desk). Warren slowly calmed down and agreed to take a nap (They almost always agree to naps - TCD).
"It says this is form 1040 EZ," Marty said. "I bet I can do it." Marty gathered all Warren's paperwork, adjusted the computer screen (Warren always tilts it too far back) and set about doing the taxes. Methodically he began working his way through the forms, the worksheets and the tax tables. "Now it says to take the product of line 16 times line 15 and enter that number on the worksheet for form 8900," Marty said. "I think I'm almost done."
From The Copy Desk: What happened next is unclear. Warren awoke from his nap and found the following scene.
Marty succumbs to the rigors of tax preparation. |
So cool that Marty has that lovely little sliding shelf to sit on while he works on the computer :)