Warren with his two new dimes. |
It's been a while since The Boys have posted, but they'll tell you they've been busy and couldn't find the time. In reality, which they sometimes visit, they are just a couple of lazy homebodies who on the whole have accomplished very little these last weeks ..... except for enjoying the amazing string of warm, sunny days that make living in Upstate New York worth all its other annoyances. Now however, they have some catching up to do - The Copy Desk.
"The guy on CNBC says there's a new pair of dimes, now that the price of oil has crashed, the stock market is tanking, E-bola has escaped from Africa, ISIS is holding and gaining territory and the Republic Party looks poised to take control of the U.S. Senate next month," Warren quivered, shaken by the thought of impending doom injected into his brain by the "nooze media."
"War, greed, pestilance and total disaster," Marty said, "Same old, same old. Keep Calm and Carry On, Warren. This is all just morte of the same."
"So you're not worried?" Warren asked, "What about all the other things like ...."
"No! It's just life. Things change, bad things happen and by the way the word is paradigm, and there are fewer overused phrases than 'new paradigm,'" Marty said. "So that's why you've got 20 cents there with you? You should really think about this stuff before you go out on a limb."
Warren now realized that his harrowing trip to the bank to exchange his two old dimes for two new ones was pointless - unlike the dog with pointy teeth he had to avoid and the spears on chains at the bank. (They looked like pens, but none of them wrote so they had to be something else, Warren thought.)
"But what about the market today, it's really taking a beating," Warren asked.
The Boys watch Wednesday's market meltdown. |
"And Gold Man Sacks makes money no matter what happens," Marty said. "Besides, by the time The Copy Desk posts this, the market could change its mind and shoot back up. It's already bounced back from down 460 to down "just" 360."
Warren, grinning, said, "So you're saying the market has recovered, since it's done a '360.'"
"Sometimes, halph-brother, you really make me wish I was an only child," Marty said.
"So now as punishment for your bad joke, I get to pontificate," Marty said, "so let's get to it, in list form, please, Mr. Copy Desk .....
* ISIS is a minority and will eventually be overwhelmed by reasonable people. This is will be fine, until ISIS is replaced by another radical faction.
* E-bola, it's not a new operating system. As a virus we can, and are reportedly close, develop vaccines and anti-viral treatments.
* The plunge in oil prices was overdue since U.S. production surged and world demand eased - last year. This drop is good for the U.S. economy, to a point, and is providing the only real increased spending power to the 99 percent in the last decade.
* Stock prices move all the time. The market trades on greed and fear. Now with computerized trading, it can swing faster and farther.
* The U.S. Senate race isn't over yet. There are still a few weeks for Republic Party candidates to implode. The best non-biased site for tracking U.S. elections remains
* Troubles are a dime a dozen, we just might have 20 cents worth now because we've stopped solving problems in Washington, D.C. for the last four years.
"Thank you, Holy Father,' Warren said.